The Super Secret Method to Losing Your Love Handles is Not So Super or Secret

By Morgan Boehlke

Believe it or not, deciding to lose your love handles isn't all that different from deciding to make money over the Internet. Basically there are two types of people here: the ones who want immediate results and the ones who know that doing it properly takes time. You cannot simply take one pill or use one machine and have them disappear over night. What works is losing weight and firming up your whole body--those instant weight loss methods are simply a losing battle. If you have ever used them to lose weight, you already know that the weight will just come right back.

The yo-yo effect with fad dieting and fat burning methods is well known. But you can follow proven methods to make those love handles go away.

Toning your side muscles which includes your love handle muscles can be achieved with different kinds of exercises. You can employ this strategy through the use of motions for twisting and rotating. If you aren't jazzed by this idea, you can also use linear stretches, like bending at your waist and leaning to either side. If you want to firm, tone or completely annihilate your love handles, you can use a broom stick. The broom stick can be placed on your shoulders and then you simply reach out with your arms and grab hold of it. Bend from your waist, go back and forth, left to right and then back to the left. Or, you can twist at the waist but avoid twisting too far. Make sure you always warm up properly.

Lots of people wonder how long it will take them to lose their love handles. It is important to get rid of the fat that goes over your love handles if you want to find success here. Even people who are in great shape still have love handles. It's simply that their love handles are only muscles, and not muscles with thick layers of fat.

What you have to figure out is how much fat you have to deal with. If you are significantly over weight, then you can expect it to take longer. But other factors are involved such as how motivated you are and how hard you work at losing the fat.

A very easy midsection and oblique, love handle, exercise is the trunk twist. As long as you can do this exercise around people watching you, this exercise can be done in almost any place. To begin this exercise, you need to place your feet at least a shoulder width apart as you are standing. Your hips are a good place for your hands or they can be held straight out. Your feet need to remain stationary as your upper torso is rotated or twisted. Be careful you do not bounce when you do this and make it controlled and within a healthy range of motion. You need to be doing at least 3 to 5 reps, where a rep includes 50 to 100 times. Your love handles will feel it which means you will feel it the next day. Here's a secret. Don't just think about getting rid of your love handles. Tone up your whole body and your love handles will disappear as a matter of course. When you start to see that your body is healthier and fitter, you will also be pleasantly surprised to see that your love handles are going away as well. This area is harder for a man to shed excess fat from, so men have to be more patient to get the results they want.

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