antidepressants and weight loss

Antidepressants are regarded as an easy way out for people who want to shed their 'extra-kilos'. How effective are antidepressants in losing weight? Get the answer from this article about antidepressants and weight loss.
Antidepressants, as the name clearly suggests, are meant for treating disorders like depression, anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder to name a few. The market is flooded with innumerable kinds of antidepressants for weight loss. Such medicines that can serve to relieve anxiety and depression, and at the same time help in losing weight, can be difficult to choose. In any case, a doctor's advice is essential and a prime necessity before you go for any kind of antidepressants for weight loss.

Which One to Choose?

# Bupropion is a typical antidepressant, and it has shown positive results with respect to mild to moderate weight loss in some people. Certain studies have shown that people consuming this drug lost around 4.4 kg in a period of 6 to 12 months. However, there are doubts that the drug may not be as effective for treating depression.

# Adderall for weight loss has also been known to be in use before. However, now the drug is prescribed mainly for attention deficit disorder (ADD). Attention deficit disorder in children is a common medical problem. It is a biological, brain-related condition. This drug has the side effects of making the user addicted to it. So proper caution has to be taken before administering it.

# Antidepressants that can increase the metabolism rate of the body are also helpful in losing weight. This is directly related to the thyroid gland in the body. This gland is responsible for losing and gaining weight. So if the thyroid gland secretes hormones at a faster rate than normal, it will increase the metabolism, thus burning more calories. Pramipexole and selegiline are dopaminergic antidepressants that decrease a hormone called prolactin. When prolactin decreases, the output of the thyroid glands increases. This eventually boosts the metabolic rate of the body, and the person sheds weight even while eating more than usual.

# Suppressing hunger, as obvious it is, is also one of the ways to lose weight and avoid weight gain. And the antidepressant reboxetine is known to fit the bill. Intake of this drug decreases food cravings, which causes the user to eat less than normal thus, gaining no 'extra calories'. The use of these antidepressants increases levels of the neurotransmitter known as norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is responsible for decreasing appetite. The more norepinephrine is produced, the less hungrier the person would be. Using such drugs also reduces cravings for foods like ice creams, cookies, pastries and other carbohydrate-rich foods.

Side Effects of Using Antidepressants

As it is in the case of every medicine, antidepressants also have their share of negative reactions. Common side effects that people may exhibit are sleepiness, dry mouth, constipation, nausea and sexual health issues. People having an overdose of these drugs are at a high risk of heart failure. Especially for expecting mothers, antidepressants have to be taken with utmost care, lest the baby might be harmed. If antidepressants are consumed at a later stage of pregnancy, the baby might get withdrawal symptoms post birth. Some studies revealed that mothers who were using fluoxetine had smaller babies.

Also it is important to know that most types of antidepressants are more likely to cause weight gain than otherwise. Those such as tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, paroxetine, mirtazapine, etc., are well-known for causing weight gain in most people. However, not everyone who take these medications experience so.

Weight loss achieved by using antidepressants is considered as an 'off-label' use. This is because antidepressants are specifically approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for treating depressions, and in no way to be used for losing weight. Although the antidepressants described above have shown positive results for weight loss in some cases, it is mandatory to follow a qualified doctor's advice before going for any such kinds of drugs. Taking antidepressants to avoid dieting and exercise is not at all advisable. Using such drugs without consulting a doctor may result in serious consequences due to self-medication. Regular workouts and a healthy diet are always considered as the safest, and most effective means for fighting obesity, and for maintaining good overall health.
antidepressants and weight loss

How can a hip-hop dance class in your helper to weight loss

Regular Classes Can Help Hold You Accountable
Losing weight and getting fit is a common New Year's resolution, but by the time February or March rolls around, the home gym is abandoned and the monthly gym membership becomes just another expense on the budget. However, when you sign up for a hip hop dance class with a few friends, you'll have people who are depending on you to show up for each and every lesson. If you don't have any friends who want to take classes with you, you'll make new friends that you'll want to spend time with in a fun and easy-going setting.

A Hip Hop Dance Class Can Strengthen Your Core
If you have back pain, dancing can help strengthen your core and reduce your pain. However, it's important to listen to your body. If a movement ever feels wrong, consider talking to your teacher about a modification or tips on how to properly complete the move without pain. Pushing too hard, especially when you're beginning an exercise program, can lead to injuries that can sideline your weight loss efforts.

There are just a few of the many benefits of dancing classes and why you should include them in your regular fitness routine. If you're looking for one near you, contact a local dancing studio and ask what types of classes they offer.

Tips To Help You Burn Belly Fat

Tips To Help You Burn Belly Fat

 Foods to avoid
All processed and junk foods should not find a place in your plate. This is because they contain plenty of fats that jeopardize your fat burning efforts. Some of the foods that you should avoid include: burgers, desserts, and pizza.

You should also avoid cheese, cakes, croquettes, butter, fried chicken, and other fried foods. Sweets, chocolate, pastries, and ice cream should also not be part of your diet.

When it comes to exercise, you should not overstretch yourself; you should be moderate in your exercises. For maximum benefits, you should engage in both cardiovascular and muscle training exercises. To exercise, you can join a gym or purchase gym equipment and exercise at home.

Hypnosis for weight loss

Hypnosis for weight loss

The hypnotherapist should be encouraging the client to look more in-depth into their eating patterns, this will enable them to identify if the issue is emotional or a behavioral problem, this often involves going into childhood memories where the issue may have developed and taking a honest look at our lifestyle. Hypnosis is not the easy way out it still takes motivation, openness and the willingness to work with the therapist in order for you to fully benefit. There is a number hypnotic programs available, finding a hypnotherapist in your local area shouldn't be difficult using the internet search engine.

7 Simple Secrets To Great Health!

7 Simple Secrets To Great Health!
Are you plagued by niggly health issues that you can never seem to shake off? The following easy-to-implement tips will see your health levels sky rocket - from shaking off colds to lowering blood pressure! 1) Cut out the caffeine! If you need a caffeine fix to get you started in a morning, it could be that you're addicted.

Too much caffeine can cause you to miss out on much-needed sleep.
Try drinking green tea or herbal tea for a tasty and healthier alternative to caffeine-heavy hot drinks, and fruit juice instead of drinks such as cola.

3) Try to walk more! Not only a great thing for physical health, walking can also be great for improving your mental health.
5) Drink alcohol in moderation! A glass of red wine here and there is thought to protect against heart disease, but try not to go over the top.

7) Cut out dairy! Consider this: how many other animals drink the milk of another species to avoid their health being jeopardised? The answer, of course, is none, and despite the claims of many, humans don't need cow's milk to live a healthy life.

Too much dairy can also lead to weight-gain and high blood pressure, so explore dairy-free alternatives
7 Simple Secrets To Great Health!

sports nutritionist 
10 Top Tips For Successful Dieting

This 'Drug' Will Help You Lose Weight

This 'Drug' Will Help You Lose Weight

This 'Drug' Will Help You Lose Weight

From training aids, to health products, to different surgeries- all of these things are truly aimed at making sure that you can drop the weight, and keep that weight off for as long as possible.

That is correct, food is the most addicting drug on this earth, some foods more than others.
There have even been studies conducted proving that some grain-based foods, and sugars are even as addicting as heroin.

Let us think about that for just a second, could this actually be possible? Have you ever walked down the street and noticed someone that is over four-hundred-pounds and thought to yourself, "How in does someone get to be that big?" The simplest answer to that is they have a food addiction.
To be honest, there really is nothing wrong with having that problem provided that the foods that you are selecting are ones that are going to help promote weight loss.

One thing is true you have to find that right combination of foods that will work for you.
Some people have a difficult time digesting dairy, so that food is not something that they are going to use to lose weight.

This 'Drug' Will Help You Lose Weight

New Diet Disguised As A "Lifestyle" Change

New Diet Disguised As A "Lifestyle" Change
Did some diet coach tell you that you don't need to be on a diet: but you need to make a lifestyle change? They are essentially telling you that you need to avoid the food you enjoy, eat less, and exercise more FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! That's the equivalent of being in Diet Prison! Why doesn't my thin friend Yolanda have to live in a "Lifestyle change" where she pushes aside the desserts, pizza, chocolate and ice-cream? That is the big question isn't it? Why do some people just eat, and not get overweight, and others feel like if you just look at food, you gain weight? These are legitimate questions that the Diet Industry doesn't want to answer.
They just want you to eat their diet food, diet supplements, diet plans and exercise plans to lose weight. That's the real success of a diet: not the original weight you lose, but the ability to maintain weight loss. It's been the excuse that thin people use to berate, and shame overweight people; to make them feel like it's THEIR fault that they gained weight, and can't lose it.
There is absolutely no scientific information that supports it; and furthermore, there is plenty of scientific research that shows it will actually slow down your metabolism, and make dieting to lose weight a losing proposition. Within two days of going on a diet, your metabolism will respond by slowing down. When you are under the effects of stress, your metabolism is suppressed, and even eating a "Normal" diet can make you gain weight.