How To Eat Gluten Free Can Be A Problem

By Erna Gutierrez

People can react to foods quite differently, and there are a number of common foods such as milk or peanuts which many people are sensitive to. How to eat gluten free is a major concern for those sensitive to this lectin found in wheat and other grains. This is because wheat is such a common component of the human diet and has been so since the start of agriculture.

There are many different forms of this lectin, and not everybody responds to them all in the same way. Some people cannot tolerate any of them, while others might only have a problem with common wheat and not other forms of wheat like spelt or kamut, or with rye or the other grains. While many grains contain some form of this lectin, others such as corn, rice, or millet are free of it.

Obviously you have to cut out food made containing any wheat, such as bread, buns, cakes, or pizzas. This can be difficult as these foods are staples in most modern societies, and tempt you from so many display windows. But it must be done; otherwise you will suffer the consequences, which are potentially very severe.

Also be on your guard for hidden sources of wheat. This is often used as a thickening, so read labels carefully. Avoid any which are marked as containing gluten, but also be aware that certain potato chip brands also contain wheat. Also make sure that sauces are thickened with cornstarch, not ordinary flour.

Even if there is only a small amount of flour as an ingredient, the food should be avoided. It does not take much of a gluten to cause all the symptoms. Only complete abstention is at all effective, so it is necessary to be absolutely sure.

For those with only a limited choice of foodstuffs which makes it almost impossible to avoid eating wheat, sprouting it destroys the gluten and renders it harmless. Essene Brad, made only from sprouted wheat, can be a useful substitute.But make sure it does not contain any normal flour as well. Cooking or other processing can sometimes render certain foods harmless, as is the case with rice

Fortunately, there are a number of grains and other starches which can replace the harmful foods. Corn, millet and other more uncommon grains such as amaranth or millet are suitable and safe to eat, while potatoes and other starchy root vegetables are also fine. Apart from this most vegetables as well a meat, poultry and dairy products can form the basis of a very satisfactory diet.

While knowing how to eat gluten free is the first step. The biggest challenge is avoiding all the delicious wheat products which fill so many supermarket shelves. Wheat has been a basic food for so long and most people take eating it for granted. But persist and avoid it strictly, and eventually you will be able to change a lifelong habit, although it will probably always be necessary to be on your guard just as with alcohol.

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