See your Physician and a diet Counselor. The only way to get on the hCG injection diet is through a prescription from a doctor. He or she will set up weekly monitoring for you and help you track your progress while keeping an eye on your general health. It is also advised to see a diet counselor to determine is there are any emotional or addictive issues for you as relating to food.
Do not skip the loading days. The first two days of the diet require you to consume high calories and high fat. This is very important to get you through the first few days of low caloric intake. Those who are industrious may want to start out taking low calories from day one, but you will do more harm than good.
Keep a weight diary. Keeping a diary about your daily weight, what you ate, and what you did not eat are very good ways to keep your focus on the diet. Remember that this diet is as much a lifestyle change as it is a nutritional change. The daily recording of lost weight could be you single biggest source of encouragement.
Develop a routine. It is hard to imagine, but becoming obese was at least in part due to a regular routine of overeating, eating unhealthy and even being sedentary. So now the intent is to get you to center on good habits such as weighing yourself at the same time daily, eating your meals at the same time of day, and not eating anything within 3 hours before bedtime. All of these things are an effort to do the right thing the right way.
Drink plenty of water - The rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces every day. If you cannot do this, the minimum should be one half gallon or eight glasses daily. Removing impurities from your bloodstream and transferring nutrients from your stored fat cells requires a significant amount of water. Coffee is allowed on the diet, however, be mindful that caffeine can cause cravings. Drink two glasses of water or hot tea about 30 minutes before a meal to help reduce appetite. Hand in hand with water, is to take in 30 grams of fiber daily - Good hydration and proper bowel function will aid the diet process immensely.
Do not cheat. Take 500 calories a day. Do not cheat and eat more, and don't skimp and take less. Remember that this diet protocol has been perfected over the last 50 years, so its best not to mess with the chemistry. Also, do not get in a rut by eating the same meals day after day. This is a trap, which will make you bored with the diet when there is so much to choose. Be sure to use spices, the food does not need to be bland. Be vigilant to avoid sugar, so spice mixes may contain sugar.
Extend the eating process. Drink a cup of tea or two glasses of water hour before you eat. Chew your food slowly and deliberately. Serve your meals on smaller plates, the goal here is to change your eating habit from quantity to quality; it is a mindset. If you have room and calories for seconds, wait 10 - 15 minutes before eating them.
Avoid activities that encourage overeating. Never go shopping for groceries when hungry, plan your meals in advance, and try not to eat anything within 3 hours of bedtime. Assign one place as the eating-place, and all meals and snacks should be consumed there. Never drive or watch TV while eating.
Increase your activity level. However, strenuous exercise is not good. Your exercise should be moderate. Walking is the perfect activity. If one walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, this is more than adequate. Take the stairs over the elevator or escalator. Park far away from your destination and walk there. The object here is just to get you used to using muscles that you do not use very often, and to help you develop a lifestyle that is not quite sedentary.
These hints and tips are basic minimums to getting you started on your way to a healthy lifestyle as a result your commitment to the hCG injection diet. As you go on this journey, you will discover your own helpful hints. Be sure to share them, we would love to hear from you.
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